Angular Unit Testing: Setting a Property in Mock to Null (spyOnProperty)
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Angular Unit Testing: Setting a Property in Mock to Null (spyOnProperty)

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As an Angular developer, writing unit tests is an essential part of ensuring the quality and reliability of your code. One common scenario you may encounter is setting a property in a mock object to null using the `spyOnProperty` method. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of unit testing in Angular, the concept of mocking, and how to use `spyOnProperty` to set a property to null.

What is Unit Testing in Angular?

Unit testing is a software testing technique that involves isolating individual components or units of code and verifying their behavior. In the context of Angular, unit testing typically involves writing tests for individual components, services, or pipes to ensure they function as expected.

Why is Unit Testing Important?

Unit testing is crucial in Angular development for several reasons:

  • Ensures code reliability: Unit testing helps you catch bugs and errors early in the development process, ensuring your code is reliable and stable.
  • Improves code quality: Writing unit tests forces you to think about the expected behavior of your code, leading to better code quality and design.
  • Reduces debugging time: When issues arise, unit tests help you quickly identify the problem area, reducing debugging time and effort.
  • Enhances collaboration: Unit tests provide a clear understanding of the code’s behavior, making it easier for team members to collaborate and maintain the codebase.

Mocking in Angular Unit Testing

In unit testing, mocking refers to the process of creating fake or simulated objects to replace real dependencies. Mocking allows you to isolate the component or unit being tested, making it easier to write focused and efficient tests.

Types of Mocking

There are two common types of mocking in Angular unit testing:

  • Stubbing: Creating a mock object that returns a fixed value or behavior.
  • Spies: Creating a mock object that tracks calls and allows you to set return values or throws.

spyOnProperty and Setting a Property to Null

The `spyOnProperty` method, provided by the Jasmine testing framework, allows you to create a spy on a property of an object. This method is particularly useful when you need to set a property to null in a mock object.

Syntax and Example

The basic syntax for `spyOnProperty` is:

spyOnProperty(object, propertyName)

Here, `object` is the mock object, and `propertyName` is the property you want to spy on.

Let’s consider an example:

import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { MyService } from './my.service';

describe('MyService', () => {
  let service: MyService;
  let mockDependency: any;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    mockDependency = { foo: 'bar' };
      providers: [{ provide: MyService, useValue: mockDependency }]

  it('should set foo to null', () => {
    spyOnProperty(mockDependency, 'foo').and.returnValue(null);

In this example, we create a mock object `mockDependency` with a property `foo` initialized to `’bar’`. We then use `spyOnProperty` to set the `foo` property to null. Finally, we assert that the `foo` property is indeed null.

Best Practices for Using spyOnProperty

When using `spyOnProperty`, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use `spyOnProperty` only when necessary: Avoid using `spyOnProperty` unnecessarily, as it can make your tests more complex and harder to maintain.
  • Keep your mock objects simple: Avoid over-complicating your mock objects with too many properties or complex behavior.
  • Use descriptive names for your mock objects: Use clear and concise names for your mock objects to make your tests easier to understand.

Common Scenarios for Setting a Property to Null

Setting a property to null using `spyOnProperty` can be useful in various scenarios, including:

  1. Testing error handling: You can set a property to null to simulate an error or unexpected behavior, ensuring your component or service handles the situation correctly.
  2. Mocking dependencies: When testing a component or service that depends on another service or API, you can set a property to null to isolate the dependency and focus on the unit being tested.
  3. Testing edge cases: Setting a property to null can help you test edge cases or unusual scenarios, ensuring your code is robust and reliable.


In this article, we’ve explored the importance of unit testing in Angular, the concept of mocking, and how to use `spyOnProperty` to set a property to null in a mock object. By following best practices and using `spyOnProperty` judiciously, you can write more effective and efficient unit tests that ensure the quality and reliability of your Angular code.

Method Description
spyOnProperty Creates a spy on a property of an object, allowing you to set return values or throws.

Remember to keep your unit tests focused, efficient, and easy to maintain. By doing so, you’ll ensure your Angular application is robust, reliable, and easy to maintain.

Further Reading

Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tackle the most pressing concerns about Angular Unit Testing – Setting a Property in Mock to Null (spyOnProperty)!

What is the purpose of using spyOnProperty in Angular Unit Testing?

spyOnProperty is used to mock a property in Angular Unit Testing, allowing you to control its behavior and return a specific value, including null. This is particularly useful when testing components that rely on external dependencies or when you need to isolate a specific part of your code.

How do I set a property to null using spyOnProperty in Angular Unit Testing?

You can set a property to null using spyOnProperty by calling the `returnValue` method and passing `null` as an argument. For example: `spyOnProperty(component, ‘myProperty’).returnValue(null);`. This will make the `myProperty` property return null when accessed.

What is the difference between spyOn and spyOnProperty in Angular Unit Testing?

`spyOn` is used to mock a method, while `spyOnProperty` is used to mock a property. `spyOn` allows you to control the behavior of a method, including its return value, while `spyOnProperty` allows you to control the value of a property, including setting it to null.

Why would I want to set a property to null in Angular Unit Testing?

Setting a property to null in Angular Unit Testing can help you test how your component behaves in scenarios where the property is missing or undefined. This can help you identify and fix issues that might arise in production, such as null pointer exceptions or unexpected behavior.

Can I use spyOnProperty to mock a property that is not part of a component’s interface?

Yes, you can use `spyOnProperty` to mock a property that is not part of a component’s interface. This can be useful when testing internal implementation details or dependencies that are not exposed through the component’s interface.