DAX to the Rescue: Identifying Duplicated Values in Two Columns
Image by Chanise - hkhazo.biz.id

DAX to the Rescue: Identifying Duplicated Values in Two Columns

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Ever found yourself staring at a massive dataset, wondering if the duplicated values in the first column are also duplicated in the second column? You’re not alone! This article will guide you through the magical world of DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to simplify this problem and provide a solution that will make you a Power BI rockstar.

Understanding the Problem

The scenario is quite common: you have a table with two columns, let’s say `Column A` and `Column B`. The first column has duplicated values, and you want to check if these duplicated values also have duplicated values in the second column. Sounds like a puzzle, doesn’t it? But fear not, dear reader, for DAX has got your back!

Why This Matters

Identifying duplicated values in two columns can have significant implications in various industries. For instance:

  • Duplicate customer records can lead to incorrect marketing strategies and wasted resources.
  • Inconsistent product information can result in incorrect pricing and inventory management.
  • Redundant data can cause difficulties in data analysis, leading to inaccurate conclusions.

The Power of DAX

DAX is a powerful formula language used in Power BI to create calculations and measures. It’s like having a superpower that lets you manipulate and analyze your data with ease.

The Solution: Using DAX to Identify Duplicated Values

Here’s the DAX formula that will help you identify duplicated values in two columns:

Duplicated Values in Column B =
VAR DuplicatedValuesInColumnA =
            VALUES('Table'[Column A]),
            "Count", CALCULATE(COUNT('Table'[Column A]))
            VALUES('Table'[Column A]),
            VAR CurrentValue = EARLIER('Table'[Column A])
                    COUNT('Table'[Column A]),
                            'Table'[Column A] = CurrentValue,
                            'Table'[Column B] = EARLIER('Table'[Column B])
                ) > 1
        ISINSCOPE('Table'[Column A]),
            "No Duplicates",
            "Duplicates Found"

Breaking Down the Formula

Let’s dissect the formula step by step to understand how it works its magic:

  1. The `VAR` statement is used to define a variable `DuplicatedValuesInColumnA`. This variable will store the duplicated values in Column A that also have duplicated values in Column B.
  2. The `CALCULATETABLE` function creates a new table that includes the values in Column A and a calculated column “Count” that counts the number of times each value appears in Column A.
  3. The `FILTER` function is used to filter the values in Column A that have more than one occurrence. This is done by using the `EARLIER` function to compare the current value with the previous value in Column A and Column B.
  4. The `RETURN` statement outputs the result of the filter, which is a table with the duplicated values in Column A that also have duplicated values in Column B.
  5. The final `IF` statement checks if the current row is in scope and if the variable `DuplicatedValuesInColumnA` is blank. If it is blank, it returns “No Duplicates”; otherwise, it returns “Duplicates Found”.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that you’ve seen the formula, it’s time to put it into practice! Follow these steps to create a measure that identifies duplicated values in two columns:

Step 1: Create a New Measure

In your Power BI model, go to the “Modeling” tab and click on “New Measure”. Name the measure “Duplicated Values in Column B”.

Step 2: Paste the Formula

Paste the DAX formula into the formula bar. Make sure to replace `’Table’` with the actual table name and `’Column A’` and `’Column B’` with the actual column names.

Step 3: Format the Measure

Format the measure as a string by clicking on the “Format” button in the formula bar and selecting “String”.

Step 4: Add the Measure to a Table

Add the measure to a table that includes the columns you want to analyze. You can do this by dragging the measure to the “Values” field in the “Fields” pane.

Example and Results

Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate how this measure works. Suppose we have a table with two columns, `Customer ID` and `Product Code`, with the following data:

Customer ID Product Code
101 P001
101 P001
102 P002
103 P003
103 P004

When we add the “Duplicated Values in Column B” measure to this table, we get the following results:

Customer ID Product Code Duplicated Values in Column B
101 P001 Duplicates Found
101 P001 Duplicates Found
102 P002 No Duplicates
103 P003 No Duplicates
103 P004 No Duplicates

As expected, the measure correctly identifies the duplicated values in `Customer ID` that also have duplicated values in `Product Code`.


DAX is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you solve complex problems with ease. By using the formula provided in this article, you can identify duplicated values in two columns and take corrective action to maintain data integrity. Remember to practice and experiment with different scenarios to become a DAX master!

Happy Power BI-ing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of DAX and uncover the secrets of dealing with duplicated values!

How do I identify duplicated values in the first column of my table?

Easy peasy! You can use the `Duplicate` function in DAX to identify duplicated values in the first column. Simply write `Duplicate = IF(COUNTX( FILTER(‘Table’, EARLIER(‘Table'[Column1]) = ‘Table'[Column1])), 1) > 1, “Duplicate”, “Unique”)`. This will create a new column that flags duplicated values in the first column.

Can I check if there are duplicated values in the second column, only for the duplicated values in the first column?

You bet! Use the `CALCULATE` function to filter the table to only include the duplicated values in the first column, and then check for duplicated values in the second column. The formula would be `Duplicate in Second Column = IF(‘Table'[Duplicate] = “Duplicate”, IF(COUNTX(FILTER(‘Table’, ‘Table'[Column1] = EARLIER(‘Table'[Column1]) && ‘Table'[Column2] = EARLIER(‘Table'[Column2])), 1) > 1, “Duplicate”, “Unique”), “N/A”)`. This will create a new column that checks for duplicated values in the second column, only for the duplicated values in the first column.

What if I want to highlight the entire row when there are duplicated values in both columns?

No problem! You can use the `FORMAT` function to conditionally format the entire row. Create a new measure with the formula `Format Row = IF(‘Table'[Duplicate in Second Column] = “Duplicate”, ““, “”) & ‘Table'[Column1] & ““`. This will highlight the entire row in red when there are duplicated values in both columns.

Is it possible to create a measure that counts the number of rows with duplicated values in both columns?

Absolutely! Use the `COUNTROWS` function to count the number of rows that meet the condition. The formula would be `Count of Duplicates = COUNTROWS(FILTER(‘Table’, ‘Table'[Duplicate in Second Column] = “Duplicate”))`. This will create a measure that counts the number of rows with duplicated values in both columns.

Can I use these formulas in Power BI or is it only applicable to Power Pivot?

Both! These formulas can be used in both Power BI and Power Pivot. The DAX language is compatible with both tools, so you can use these formulas to analyze and visualize your data in either Power BI or Power Pivot.

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