Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling: Assets Not Served from /builds Directory
Image by Chanise - hkhazo.biz.id

Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling: Assets Not Served from /builds Directory

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Are you frustrated with the Rail 7 import maps and CSS bundling configuration? Are your assets not being served from the /builds directory? Worry no more, in this article, we’ll guide you through the process of configuring import maps and CSS bundling in Rails 7, and troubleshoot the common issues that might be preventing your assets from being served correctly.

What are Import Maps and CSS Bundling?

Rails 7 introduces two new features to manage JavaScript and CSS assets: Import Maps and CSS Bundling. These features aim to simplify the asset management process and improve performance.

Import Maps

Import Maps is a new way to manage JavaScript dependencies in Rails. It replaces the traditional Sprockets approach, which can be cumbersome and error-prone. Import Maps uses a map file to declare dependencies, making it easier to manage complex JavaScript applications.

CSS Bundling

CSS Bundling is a feature that allows you to bundle and served CSS files using the same IMPORTMAP syntax as JavaScript files. This approach eliminates the need for separate CSS files and makes it easier to manage CSS dependencies.

Configuring Import Maps and CSS Bundling in Rails 7

To configure Import Maps and CSS Bundling in Rails 7, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Rails 7 application:

    rails new my_app
  2. Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

    bundle add importmap-rails cssbundling-rails
  3. Configure Import Maps by creating an importmap.rb file in the config directory:

    touch config/importmap.rb

    In this file, declare your JavaScript dependencies using the IMPORTMAP syntax:

    pin "@rails/actioncable", to: "actioncable.es.js", preload: true
    pin "@rails/activestorage", to: "activestorage.es.js", preload: true
    pin "@rails/ujs", to: "ujs.es.js", preload: true
    pin "@rails/webpacker", to: "webpacker.es.js", preload: true
  4. Configure CSS Bundling by creating a cssbundling.rb file in the config directory:

    touch config/cssbundling.rb

    In this file, declare your CSS dependencies using the IMPORTMAP syntax:

    css_bundle "application", %{stylesheet "application.css"}

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re experiencing issues with assets not being served from the /builds directory, check the following common mistakes:

Incorrect Configuration

Double-check your importmap.rb and cssbundling.rb files for any syntax errors or incorrect configurations.

Missing Dependencies

Make sure you’ve installed all the necessary dependencies, including importmap-rails and cssbundling-rails.

Incorrect Directory Structure

Verify that your directory structure is correct, with the correct folders and files in place:

Folder/File Description
config/importmap.rb Import Maps configuration
config/cssbundling.rb CSS Bundling configuration
app/assets/builds Builds directory for assets
app/assets/stylesheets Stylesheets directory for CSS files

Incorrect Asset Pipeline Configuration

Verify that your asset pipeline configuration is correct in your environment file (e.g., development.rb, production.rb):

config.assets.enabled = true
config.assets.version = '1.0'
config.assets.prefix = '/builds'

Serving Assets from the /builds Directory

To serve assets from the /builds directory, you need to update your layout file (e.g., application.html.erb) to reference the correct asset paths:

<%#= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', data: { turbolinks_track: 'reload' } %>
<%#= javascript_include_tag 'application', data: { turbolinks_track: 'reload' } %>

Instead, use the following code to reference the correct asset paths:

<%#= stylesheet_link_tag 'builds/application', media: 'all', data: { turbolinks_track: 'reload' } %>
<%#= javascript_include_tag 'builds/application', data: { turbolinks_track: 'reload' } %>

By following these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you should now have Import Maps and CSS Bundling configured correctly in Rails 7, and your assets should be served from the /builds directory.


Rails 7 introduces significant changes to asset management with Import Maps and CSS Bundling. While these features can simplify the development process, they require careful configuration and attention to detail. By following the instructions in this article, you should be able to configure Import Maps and CSS Bundling correctly and troubleshoot common issues. Remember to double-check your configuration files, directory structure, and asset pipeline settings to ensure that your assets are served correctly from the /builds directory.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling: Assets Not Served from /builds Directory”

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to resolve those pesky asset issues in Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling!

Why are my assets not being served from the /builds directory?

This is likely because you haven’t configured Rails to serve assets from the /builds directory. You need to set `config.assets.default` to `true` in your `config/environments/production.rb` file to enable asset serving.

How do I configure Rails to use Import Maps for asset management?

You can configure Rails to use Import Maps by setting `css_bundling: { enabled: true }` and `importmap: { enabled: true }` in your `config/environments/production.rb` file. This will enable CSS bundling and Import Maps for asset management.

What is the purpose of the /builds directory in Rails 7?

The /builds directory is where Rails 7 stores the compiled and bundled assets. This directory is used to serve assets in production mode, and it’s essential for proper asset management in Rails 7.

Why do I need to run `rails assets:precompile` after updating my CSS files?

You need to run `rails assets:precompile` after updating your CSS files to ensure that the changes are reflected in the /builds directory. This command compiles and bundles your assets, making them available for serving in production mode.

How do I troubleshoot asset issues in Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling?

To troubleshoot asset issues, check your asset pipeline configuration, verify that your assets are being compiled and bundled correctly, and inspect the /builds directory to ensure that your assets are being served correctly. You can also check the Rails documentation and online resources for additional guidance.